News & Minutes
Draft Minutes of Fossoway & District Community Council Meeting
Tuesday 6th August 2024 – 7.30pm, Crook of Devon Village Hall
Attending: Community Councillors (CCllrs) Sarah Bruce-Jones, Adrian Carter, Angus Cheape, Tony Lamb, Nicola Marchant, Graham Pye and Kaye Williamson; Assoc CCllr Carol Farquhar; Perth & Kinross Councillor Dave Cuthbert; 21 Members of the Public (MoP).
Apologies: PKC Cllrs Neil Freshwater, William Robertson and Richard Watters; PC Sampson.
New Member: Kaye Williamson was welcomed as a new co-opted member of the CC, having been approved by PKC.
Declarations of Interest: CClr Cheape has declared an interest in Middleton Farm Forestry; CCllr Bruce-Jones has declared an interest in the Seamab issue as the company for which she is a director is linked to some of the construction work.
1. Community Police Report: From 4th June 2024 (last meeting) there have been approximately 58 calls to Police from the Fossoway area and eight crimes recorded on Police systems. On 12th July a person was stopped on the A977 in Crook of Devon for driving whilst unfit, possession of drugs and Police obstruction, and has been charged and reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
Community officers are aware of regular areas where there are complaints about speeding in and around Fossoway. These have all been added to our speeding matrix and they will continue to make efforts to carry out speed checks across the area during our patrols. Local officers from Kinross have been carrying out speed checks across Kinross-shire and notably in Powmill. A number of drivers were stopped and spoken to with several tickets being issued for speeding. Six reports have been sent to the Procurator Fiscal. Roads Policing Officers have also been out doing speed checks, notably on the M90 where numerous tickets were issued for speeding.
General concern was raised by MoPs regarding perceived increase in traffic on A977 and more speeding, particularly HGVs. There are also incidences of illegal parking, e.g. on crossings, by delivery drivers, and there was an accident on the B9097 at the end of June.
On the 2nd July there was another incidence of a child absconding, followed by vandalism. Four Police Cars and a Fire Engine were present. The current building works appeared to have reduced the security of the existing building. See Matters Arising below.
2. Approval of minutes of the last meeting: The Minutes of the 4th June and EGM of 9th July were approved without change and signed off.
3. Progress & matters arising:
Brunt Hill Windfarm [](**
An EGM was held on the 9th of July where the CC’s proposed response to the application was discussed and agreed; the meeting was attended by 24 MoP. The CC submitted our response on 19th July, which can be found on our website or the ECU website. A copy was sent to PKC and all PKC Cllrs. We have asked PKC at which Planning and Placemaking Committee the application will be discussed as the CC wishes to make a representation.
PKC Planning Officer Alex Gudgeon informed the CC that Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has objected, citing the adverse impact on Kinross House. HES are in direct discussions with the applicant regarding alterations to the turbine heights and positions which may result in an amendment to the proposal. Consequently PKC Planners are waiting for the final version, and there is no current date for this.
Craighead Windfarm
The Craighead windfarm planning application has still not been submitted to PKC.
Community Development Trust
The Trust has received funding from PKC’s Vacant Property Fund and Scottish Land Fund to work with consultants to explore the purchase of the old Blairingone School and School house. The work will provide an options appraisal, feasibility study and business plan along with architectural assessment, options and sketches, and architectural drawings for the chosen option. This will enable the Trust to make a fully informed decision on the financial sustainability of the school buildings and hence enable them to decide if they should purchase the property. The project will run from July 2024 to January 2025.
The Trust has been working with the Fossoway Primary School pupils to design future options for the Waulkmill play park. The children produced creative designs and the competition winners received vouchers provided by the Trust. The Trust hopes to display winning posters on their stand at the Fossoway Gathering on the 7th of September. The CDT is also raising funds to buy tables and benches for Waulkmill Park.
The Trust has received funding from PKC for community engagement and to produce a Community Action Plan and Local Place Plan. A survey will be delivered to all Fossoway households in August, followed by a drop in Community Event on 17th November in the Crook of Devon Village Hall from 2 to 5p,mwhere the findings will be shared and votes taken to determine priority of projects.
A working group with representatives from all the Village Halls has been set up to see how they can work together.
PKC Bereavement Services have agreed to clean and repair the Crook of Devon War Memorial.
Discussions are ongoing with PKC regarding leasing the ground for a car park south of the Church cemetery extension in Crook of Devon.
Next meeting of the CDT will be 20th August.
Road Safety in FDCC area including A977 mitigation measures
Drum Crossroads: The CC will report to PKC that there have been people racing the lights, and potholes are already appearing.
20mph Scotland Policy
Daryl McKeown of PKC’s Transport department has sent the CC details of this scheme, which are summarised here:
Perth & Kinross Council is working with Transport Scotland to implement a new 20mph national strategy by the end of 2025. The decision to install 20mph on A and B Class roads in urban areas has been delegated to local authorities. Roads on A and B Class roads with sporadic frontage development, or where the housing is restricted to one side, will retain the current 30mph limit.
Transport Scotland has instructed that each speed limit should be implemented using a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) as the project is being undertaken as a trial. TTROs are valid for eighteen months. Within the first year, speed monitoring will be undertaken. It is anticipated that most 20mph limits will remain but the data will identify compliance rates, and will help determine where physical speed reduction measures may be required. If the trial is successful, these temporary limits would be made permanent. The assessment has also identified where new 30mph and 40mph limits should be installed, and where existing 30mph and 40mph limits should be amended, as result of introducing the lower speed limit
Initially, all the new 20mph limits will be introduced using signs only. Village nameplate signs and countdown markers will also be installed or upgraded where appropriate. Some finance from Scottish Government.
The planned changes for our area were brought to the meeting for discussion and the following feedback, which will be discussed further at the Kinross-shire Committee meeting on the 15th of August, was developed:
General: We propose that there should be no speed limit changes from national speed limit directly to 20mph. Instead, there should be a buffer zone of either 30mph or 40mph between the two. There are a number of large developments on the edge of our settlements that have recently been approved, or are in planning, which should be taken into consideration before Strategy is adopted. Before final sign off we strongly recommend that there is an overall check of all the speed limits on the A977 from Clackmannan Bridge to the M90 and on the A91 from Muckhart to Milnathort to avoid any inappropriate changes.
Blairingone: Proposal is for 20mph limit in village, but retain 30mph limit at northeast. Agreed but if the CDT acquires the former school we want to ensure that the 20mph goes beyond this to the east
Carnbo: No requirement for change. Did not agree - Carnbo has development on both the north and south of the A91 but no pavement to the north side within the village or at all to the west, and speeding through the village is an issue. Ideally the whole Carnbo settlement from the Gelvan Moor Road to the Village Hall should be 20mph with the addition of 40mph buffers to both the west and the east.
Crook of Devon and Drum: Extend 20mph to cover village roads. Install 40mph buffer at southwest. Extend 30mph limit on A977. Install 40mph buffer at northeast. There was lots of discussion regarding these proposals which require more time to consider. Points made were that the change from 20mph to 30mph moving from Crook of Devon to Drum should be extended beyond the petrol station and B9097 junction. Driving west out of Crook of Devon there is a footpath from Crook of Devon to River Devon which is currently in a 60mph limit and would be of benefit if the 20mph was extended to beyond this or if the proposed 40mph became 30mph.
Powmill: Install 20mph limit in village, physical measures required to ensure compliance. There was general agreement to this.
Rumbling Bridge: Install 20mph limit on minor road. Retain 30mph limit on A823. General agreement, however, there is still the issue of driver visibility across the bridge.
Fossoway area transport – 202 Bus Service & Community Bus
After the best part of a year campaigning to get improvements to the 202 Stagecoach Service, following regular discussions between the Community Council, our elected Ward Councillors and PKC Transport, the CC is pleased to confirm that, subject to Traffic Commissioner Approval, there will be a new bus service for Fossoway this year!
With effect from the 2nd September, the award winning Glenfarg Community Transport Group will be taking over the route. Full details of the new 23 service will be published in due course, but the intention is to provide an hourly service which will connect Tillicoultry to the 52 service on to Alloa and Stirling and in Kinross to the 55 service to Perth via the Community Campus.
We are really excited about this positive development for public transport in Fossoway and hope that everyone in the community will support this venture. The CC thanks everyone involved and we look forward to the future service.
CCllr Lamb, on behalf of the Fossoway Community Development Trust, has formally registered an interest in bidding for one of PKC’s surplus minibuses to become a Community Outings Bus. If successful this will need volunteer drivers, in possession of the D1 category on their licences. Email the CC if you’re interested or contact CCllr Lamb directly for further details.
Crook Moss Travellers Site
Associate CCllr Farquhar and Tracey Ramsey from PKC hosted an event on 19th June for the traveller community, and although this was well supported by residents of the Greenacre site, unfortunately none of the residents of the Crook Moss site attended.
The CC has received complaints from MoP regarding dogs from the site roaming on the roads and in fields containing livestock. There now appear to be fires on the site on a weekly basis, some of them very serious affecting the safety of surrounding residents. The CC will write to Tracey Ramsay to report this. CCllr Bruce-Jones recommended reporting dog issues to PKC’s Dog Control Officers on 01738 476476 during office hours. Outwith these times or to report dangerous dogs, contact the Police on 101.
Seamab School Construction Work
The PKC planning enforcement officer reported that they have now dealt with the issue of site working on Scottish Bank holidays, although a MoP informed the meeting that work had actually taken place on 4th August. The Officers request that any infringements be reported directly to them with details of times and events together with photos if appropriate and safe.
PC Samson confirmed, via email, that local farmers are not automatically required to make machinery safe and bring livestock in from the fields if a child absconds, unless specifically asked to do so by police officers at the time. A local resident answered that he had been told by a more senior officer that he should always behave in a safe and responsible manner during an incident.
There are Site safety issues which should possibly be reported to the Health and Safety Executive. Also construction noise issues.
The CC has been advised that the foreman of the building site has arranged the first site meeting for local residents on the 22nd August from 3.30-4.30pm. The CC will not join this meeting but request that they are kept informed.
Approaches by local residents to the school’s management do not seem to be being positively received at the moment. The CC will seek advice from PKC as to whether this situation can be addressed.
4. Matters arising with no update since last meeting: King’s portrait,** Power capacity in Fossoway District and Community Speedwatch.
5. New Business:
The Kinross-shire Fund has issued a report highlighting the positive impact the fund has made. Over the last five years, it has supported 26 different community groups to create better opportunities for local people, including opportunities to learn, play, connect, and grow. The report and details of the fund can be found via:
There are numerous other funds available for communities, many can be found from PKC’s web page:
Crook of Devon and Drum Nomow Areas The local bloom group have agreed with PKC that the nomow areas are as follows: The area between houses known as The Glebe, apart from around the edges; Waulkmill park - a border around the edge, and a triangle beside the tennis courts, but all will be mown until after the Gathering on 7th September. The group hope they will be able to use the PKC machinery to cut and lift the long grass at the end of each season. Next season the group aims to add more wildflowers in these areas, as they have done elsewhere, e.g. the corner of West Crook Way.
6. Consultations
The significant workload associated with the wind farm applications means that the CC will not be responding to any further consultations until September 2024.
PKC Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3) consultation there is an open consultation on the evidence that will be used to prepare LDP3, split into two phases. The Topic Papers set out a summary of the key evidence relating to National Planning Framework 4 which will be relied on in developing LDP3. The final Evidence Report (and BPC reports) will be completed mid-September. Local Place Plans do not need to be ready for the Evidence Report as they will be taken into account when preparing the Proposed Plan, which won’t start until 2025.
Middleton Farm- Forestry Consultation Highfield Forestry is preparing a felling permission application for timber harvesting and replanting work at Middleton Farm, Fossoway. This is a commercially managed forest but the CC will comment regarding mitigation measures for protection of private water supplies, protection of habitats and prevention of pollution of watercourses.
7. Community Council Business
The CC is seeking funding for a new website; this will be discussed at the next Kinross-shire Committee meeting.
Meetings attended
CCllr Bruce-Jones: Kinross-shire CC Sustainability Group meeting 19th June.
CCllr Lamb: Monthly Glenfarg CT meeting 20th June; Fossoway Transport Forum 27th June; Glenfarg CT meeting and photoshoot 16th July; Monthly Glenfarg meeting 1st August; Meeting with the MSP Jim Fairlie, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity 1st August.
CCllr Marchant: Fossoway Transport meeting 27th June; Kinross-shire CC Sustainability Group meeting 19th June.
CCllr Pye: Rumbling Bridge Community Fund Panel meeting 25th July – grants of £6,256 to Village Kitchen CIC and £5,700 to Fossoway & District Horticultural Society.
Assoc CCllr Carol Farquhar: Travellers Meeting 19th June.
8. PKC Business – Councillors reports
Cllr Cuthbert: Noted that PKC has only actually done one Community Asset Transfer so far, Blairingone School would be the second if it goes ahead.
Devon Bridge is due to be closed again for resurfacing; Cllr Cuthbert has asked for the work to be paused so that Clacks can do their side at the same time.
9. Planning Matters
Planning Applications
24/00974/FLL Formation of access track, erection of stables and associated works (in part retrospect) at Land 250 metres north of The Farmhouse, Easter Muirhead Farm, Blairingone, Dollar FK14 7ND. This is a resubmission of planning application 23/01619/FLL to which the CC objected. The CC made a neutral comment stating that confirmation of an adequate water supply be a condition or objection on grounds that no information provided to support adequate water supply.
24/01027/FLL Extension to dwelling house at Glenside, Naemoor Road, Crook of Devon, Kinross, KY13 0UH. The CC did not comment.
24/01063/FLL Alterations and extension to dwelling house at 5 St Serfs Road, Crook of Devon. The CC did not comment.
24/01049/IPL Mixed use development comprising erection of retail/manufacturing/warehouse, mixed use
business/commercial units, community garden and hut, vehicular access and parking, SUDS pond and associated works (in principle) at Land 90 metres southwest of Garvellach, Drum, Kinross KY13 0PR.
This application is for the relocation of County Fabrics to the grazing field in Drum to the south of the A977 and the East of B9097. In addition, there will be four other retail units with a car park for 30 cars. The CC only received notification of this planning application via email on the 2nd August and would normally have 21 days to make comment. Although this is designated as a local application we believe that it is a major development for our community and hence have sought an extension to the 13th September to gauge the views of the community. There was initial discussion of the proposal including comments that the applicant’s ecological analyses may be flawed.
24/01157/FLL Renewal of permission 21/01398/FLL (Erection of a dwellinghouse (revised site layout)) at Land 40 metres northwest of Dunollie Fossoway. The CC did not comment on 21/01398/FLL and will not comment.
Planning Decisions
23/01275/FLL Erection of 5 holiday accommodation units, a manager’s accommodation unit and workshop/garage, formation of vehicular, parking areas, landscaping and associated works. Land 150metres northwest of Barnhill Farm, Powmill Dollar. The application was refused, the CC had objected.
24/00744/FLL Erection of a dwelling house and associated works at Land 250 metres southwest of Broomhill House, Station Road, Crook of Devon, Kinross KY13 0PG. The application was refused, the CC had objected.
24/00456/FLL Erection of a replacement dwelling house at Tethyknowe House, Blairingone, Dollar FK14 7ND. The application was approved, the CC had made no comment.
Planning Appeals
23/02142/FLL Siting of 2 holiday accommodation units and associated works at Chapter House, Fossoway, Kinross, KY13 9UP. The appeal was refused, the CC had previously objected.
TellMeScotland Alert System
The CC recommends that residents with an interest in planning applications in there are sign up for this alert system at to hear about Planning Applications, but also Traffic and Licensing Notices from almost all Councils and many other Public bodies in a single place. It’s possible to search for new notices based on your location and also to be sent email or text reminders of all new items within a specified radius of your postcode. Note that the system was updated earlier this year so existing users will need to recreate their alerts if they haven’t already done so.
10. AOCB - None this month
Next CC Meeting Tuesday 3rd September 7.30pm
Powmill Moubray Hall
The CC’s AGM will be on Tuesday 1st October at Crook of Devon Village Hall.